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Considering becoming a Volunteer?

Volunteer work abroad could in fact be the most amazing experience you ever have, if not a life changing experience. There are many aspects of choosing to volunteer abroad that will separate your experience from that of a tourist or even a paid employee. The advantages of volunteer work are numerous. However, one should thoughtfully consider volunteerism prior to their commitment to an organization. It is crucially important to understand the nature of volunteers, as volunteerism is not suited for everyone. Volunteer workers may come from different countries, backgrounds, and generations, but generally they have the love for traveling, assisting communities, and living in new places in common. Volunteers are very special, giving individuals. They are willing to work hard, have fun, and give to those who may be less fortunate.

Personal Growth
By volunteering abroad you will learn so much about yourself. You will do things that you never imagined you were capable of. There are many personal challenges involved when immersing yourself into a new community. You will find that you can overcome the challenges of language barriers and cultural differences. The biggest difference you will notice at the end of the program will not be external but will be the difference inside of yourself. In some cases residents could do your job better, but this is not always the point. You are establishing unique friendships that allow everyone involved to grow and learn. Most importantly, you will be changed forever because you will have a greater understanding of another culture, you will challenge your personal limits, and you will develop friendships.
Living within a community
This may be one of the top advantages to becoming a volunteer. The nature of volunteer work is very grassroots. Generally, volunteers will live and work very close to the local people they are serving. This allows for a very integrated and intimate experience with a local community. In this light, volunteers will gain much knowledge about the way of life in another culture. By learning the daily life of others, one can learn Acceptance by a local community will create a very positive and fulfilling work experience
Build your Resume
Many employers value volunteerism above all else. If you have volunteerism on your resume it shows that you are flexible, patient and committed.
Career Development
Volunteering allows for a very hands-on work experience. You are right in the center of the communities you are assisting and can directly see the results of your work. You an also try a new career path without any commitments. Perhaps teaching is for you, how would you have known?
Cultural Immersion
Many travelers know where they want to go, but don't know what to do once they get there. Volunteering abroad gives your travels a purpose and an itinerary, and immediately separates you from being just a backpacker or a tourist, and actually earns respect from your local community.
Volunteering is affordable
There are few travel experiences that are cheaper then volunteering abroad. Most Volunteer placement organizations charge a fee. The fee will typically cover room/board, orientation, and the program itself. Many volunteers cover their expenses by letter writing campaigns to family and friends, contributions from churches or student organizations and other donation driven efforts. Fundraising is a simple way to pay for a volunteer excursion abroad. By writing to family members, friends, and possibly teachers about your opportunity abroad, you may be surprised by the giving from these individuals to make the volunteer opportunity happen. Certainly one of the best sources for small scholarships or donations are local community groups tied to the region you are going to.
Why am I paying to volunteer?
People have asked me, "Why do I have to pay to go work overseas?" Unless you are a doctor or engineer or you are planning to spend a year or two volunteering there is probably a fee to be paid. Typically the volunteer organization has to pay for supplies, materials, transportation, local salaries, training, arrange the logistics of the program, arrange visas and sponsorship letters, provide homestays in the local village, create brochures and market their program. Volunteering can take place is beautiful and exotic places in the world, so fees actually secure that a volunteer is joining a program with the intention to work hard and experience a different way of life, not just a free ride in a holiday destination.
Volunteering is for them and you
Primarily volunteer organizations are dedicated to assisting a specific social need within the communities where they work, whether it be education, women’s health, etc. The organization has already researched this need and developed some mode of assistance. However, by using volunteers, the organization is also considering providing a cultural experience for you and for the local volunteers and letting you see life in the local region. It is the wrong attitude to say “But I am teaching for free…” when in fact you are receiving an experience that is priceless.
Is Volunteering Abroad for you?
Volunteering requires flexibility, patience, self-motivation, and people who genuinely respect the host people and their culture. Volunteers never go to teach the people western ways, nor are they there to save the people. Volunteers go to share their energy and time with the people, to experience their culture first hand and to grow themselves.
Can you handle local conditions?
Most international volunteer experiences are hosted in developing countries. Before you go you should do some research. The last thing the volunteer organization and the locals need is someone complaining about the food, weather, toilets, clothing, customs, etc. You will be surprised at how much or how little you need in the way of modern comforts to be happy. However, if you know yourself and you know that you wouldn't last an hour in a developing country there are still opportunities for you.
Are you open enough to accept and respect a culture no matter how different it is from your culture?
This may be one of the most difficult aspects of your volunteer experience. There will be aspects of the local culture that confound your sense of logic or challenge your sense of justice, however, remember you are the visitor. No solitary volunteer can change centuries of tradition or culture. You must look deep inside yourself and determine if you are flexible enough to respect the local culture before you go. Despite what you may have heard your job is not to teach the superiority of western ways. If your host village asks you to cover your ankles, then cover your ankles. If they ask you not to enter a temple while menstruating, then don’t. If they ask you to sit when a priest enters the room, then do it. Be rational and respectful in your actions.
Are you comfortable with yourself?
At times you may feel isolated, particularly when you arrive in a village knowing no one. You may be alone at times. One should not chose to volunteer just because they are running away from some situation at home, this can lead to major problems. Chances are those problems will follow you and they will be more readily apparent with the additional cultural and adjustment issues. You may have had a schedule that includes surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals all day everyday. You are with you roommates, classmates, party friends around the clock. Many volunteers are placed in an isolated situation like a wildlife reserve or a small rural village. Your social life or the lack there of will be entirely up to you.
Volunteering abroad is truly a study abroad experience. Every minute of everyday you will be a student.
Do you wish to learn?
You may learn a new language, a new culture, a new way of life. Flexibility and patience are the keys to having a satisfying experience. Developing countries in particular are not as obsessed with time as the US or Europe. Often Schedules are ignored or appointments begin later than arranged. NGO's, international non-profits and volunteer organizations are almost always understaffed. Your itinerary will not be as smooth and well organized as a tour or a Caribbean cruise. Things may seem disorganized at times. You may have to initiate your day to day itinerary. You may also encounter corruption, government officials and local administrators often work in ways that don't make sense to you. You have to accept the program and offer your services within those parameters.
What Will I Do?
Volunteer projects are as varied as you might imagine. Generally international volunteer experiences fall into the following arenas:
Education- teacher placement or acting as a teaching assistant in a local school or an adult education program. This may include teaching ESL, environmental awareness, or other needed subjects.
Social Welfare- working with under-privileged children, working with a women's co-op, or working in a hospital or orphanage.
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