
September   2000

As usual Burning Man was completely different from the previous year. My mother and sister flew from London to
San francisco and I met them at our camp site at 3:30 and Brain. We set up on the Sunday and over the course of the next
six days we watched as a city grew up around us. (About thirty thousand attended this year)
This was my third year and b-sides first attempt at a theme camp.
It was called the Aquarium and was a large shade structure beautifully decorated in a fish motif, we had a sound system provided
by my friend Ben who has been providing sound systems to Burning Man for the last three years.
The music in our camp went on Thursday night and became one of the more popular dance floors on the playa.
Over the years I've made many friends at  this event, some of whom
live in other countries and some who I only see once at year at  BM.
This year I debuted my "Penis Scooter Vers. 2" A five foot pink phallus covered in animated elecroluminessent wire
with two large testicle headlamps. My pride and joy lasted only 4 days after a major crash (slightly damaging my passenger Andrew)
I had to find other transport. Next year my penis will be made of steel!

I took many great photos a this year. Please check them out :
Burning Man Slide show

A windy day on the Playa

I try to find my groom as angel Eva assists with the train.

"Come fly with me"

Lisa, Brad, Me ,Keith ,Sacha ,Zita
Cocktails back in LA post  BM

Brad's Birthday
For more pictures of Brad's Birthday hit ME!

Sacha, Conan, Thea and Zita after a visit to one of LA's finest "nudie" bars.

Jumbo's is one of the few places in LA that is not contrived .
It's a "real" sleazy dive bar that also happens to have strippers.
Opened 30 years ago in a "strip" mall on Hollywood Blvd. in Thai town.
Courtney Love was reputed to have shown here pasteies here a few years back.
It's also within walking distance of a couple of my favorite Thai restaurants.
There are not too many things that are within walking distance in LA!
I also can say I now have the distinction of taking both my mother and father
and sister to a titty bar.

Corrie and Thea at a Israeli Psych-Trance event in Pomona
This was a strange evening. An hour drive deep into the suburbs
to Pamona to see "Infected Mushroom"
play at a rave populated by mostly Israeli kids.

Adam, Michelle and Nectar  at Rush

How I got my Wings :

The wings you see in the picture above were a gift from God.

Usually when I have guests over, I like to exploit the ability
to cruise my neighborhood late at night. Historically I have always
lived in parts of Los Angeles that late night exploits on foot would
have put my life in danger. But in Beverly hills I have the unique
pleasure of being the most dangerous street dweller. The night before this picture was taken
I was sharing the joys of doing 25 mph on my motorized push scooter at  2 am
with  a passenger on board .
We whizzed up Rodeo Drive and zoomed down back
alleys.  As I drove past one of the huge green dumpsters, out of the corner of my
eye I spotted white feathers sticking out from the top of the rubbish.
As I slowly lifted the lid a white glow filled the alley with light as I discovered my new set of eight foot
 wings sitting angelically on top of the trash.
With the wings, my passenger and me on a scooter designed for one, the ride
 home through the streets of Beverly Hills was not without incident!

My  mother in disguise

go to October