
February     2000

My mum (Zita) enjoying another beautiful day in Brighton

February was the month I had decided that I should probably return to some form of employment.
It was almost a year ago since I left my job to travel to Thailand and Indonesia.
An initial journey of 4 months turned into a year of various trips to Europe and  South East Asia.
But after discovering that my mother was ill, I found my self back in England for the third time in 12 months.
Even due to the severity of her illness my mother was in good sprits and her recovery was without complication .
In an ironic way for a brief time it had helped our family become closer emotionally and geographically as we
came together to show support for Zita.  Most of my time was spent with her in Brighton,
a Regency sea-side town 55 miles from London filled with too many antique shops.
My mum has a lovely house here, designed to entertain guests and with only a short walk to the beach,
it's very convenient for sun bathing and swimming in the warm crystal clear waters.
I also caught up on my shopping. see: Cyberdog, Camden Lock and Harrods.

For clubs see: Home, Fabric, the End,  The Fridge and Cream.

When in London I am always overcome with capturing natural wildlife.

My Mother and I just  before catching up on Eastenders (Arty English drama TV series)

No digital image trickery here!
Both of my parents enjoy the photographic skills of our Chinese waiter.

I return  to LA  with a newly acquired fur coat and
newly acquired fur on my upper lip. Apparently Thea "doesn't play that"

Michelle enjoying a refreshing drink.

At this point in time I was homeless.
I had been enjoying the kindness of Thea's great aunt, as a guest in Torrance CA,
but eventually Thea had the vision to truncate my stay and after a week of parking my car in the Hollywood hills
and waking up to the incredible vista of LA spread beneath me, the yearning for my own bathroom suddenly struck me
and after an exhaustive search I eventually moved in to an apartment in Beverly Hills.

Monday nights we became regulars at the Moonlight Roller Disco

Living  Beverly Hills was initially unappealing to me. For the last seven years I had lived in Hollywood and
West Hollywood which had seemed more vibrant  with more interesting nightlife and people.
But my concern was unfounded due to a chance meeting with Michelle Luna. An old friend who also
turned out to be my new neighbor as well a being an unemployed drop-out such as myself.
Soon, (particularly after meeting the two young ladies in the apartment across the hall from me,
and the woman from the boutique on the corner)
my local social circle became quite busy.

Adam, Ben, Emma and her BIG boyfriend. (at No-I -To-Love)
Don't covert thy neighbors fur!

During the filming of a music video for BT
Miss Chrissie Wilson finds time to pose for the camera

go to March