
December     2000

A quiet Christmas and new year.
With many friends out of town and forgoing my usually trip back to Blighty
I took on a little extra work and stayed in town.

Thea and Penguin get stuck into Thea's favorite food:  Birthday Cake!

Rhythm & Hues Christmas Party

With over 300 employees,  this years party was a large affair.  I tried my best
to stay away form the karaoke. Drunk co-workers and amplified microphones should not mix.

Thom, John and  Kerine

Justin's nativity or naiveté ?

Cross section of Rhythm & Hues employees

Monica & Kirsty at Dylan's first christmas party

Merv Griffin's Christmas Tree lane at the Beverly Hilton

Michelle Luna has been involved with Christmas Tree lane for the past few years.
Celebrities lend their name to christmas trees that are decorated in the style of the celebrities that are then auctioned for charity.
We helped decorate Cher, Elizabeth Taylor, Ricky Martin and Clint Eastwood's tree among others.
Cybil Shepherd hosted the auction and unfortunately sung as well.
This event draws out a strange crowd of old school Beverly Hills socialites and wannabes as well
as married beauty queens?

Doing my part for international relations with a married woman

The Luna sisters take credit

Yet more unattractive married beauty queens

Drewbird's Birthday Party

These virgins know the right colour to wear

Brandon prepares for some inhibited fire spinning

Andrew with fairy

Angel fridge magnet

I wanted to show off my new baby to the world (the Rolls) and make Christmas cards
to send to friends and family. So I eventually figured out a way to incorporate my
home city, the new car, my latest costume and seasons greetings in one shot.
 7 am on a cold overcast December morning before work,
I packed the wedding dress and headdress in the boot of the car and strapped the
seven foot wings to the roof of the RR.  David, my neighbor,  who had agreed to
be the photographer at this ungodly hour grabbed on to the wings through the window as
the wind tried to blow them into the window display of Louis Vitton on Rodeo Drive.
We eventually arrived at the Beverly Hills Hotel and thought it best not to bother to ask permission from the management to
do our photo shoot. To get the best angle for the photograph the car had to be parked the wrong way round on the one way main entrance
to the hotel in a no stopping zone! Within 30 seconds I had the complete costume on and climbed on top of the car as David began to shoot.
We actually managed to finish up a roll of 36 shots before a pissed off security guard figured there was an angel sitting on a Rolls Royce in the
main entrance to the Beverly Hills Hotel.  Once we had convinced him we were not shooting commercially and were just local residents we
wished him a merry christmas and went on our way!

This image is the one I chose to make into my limited edition fridge magnets.





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Happy new year motherfuckers!